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Interested in a custom-made mattress, fully tailored to your ergonomics?Book a free Personal Sleepscan with Dr. ir. Vincent Verhaert, co-founder of Equilli. Vincent will be joining our team for one day on Saturday, January 18.

Why choose an electric box spring?

An electric box spring: why?

A box spring base has a long lifespan (up to 25 years). So if you’re looking to buy a new box spring, it’s best to think long-term. Maybe you don’t need an adjustable box spring now, but later you’ll regret not choosing such a model. Of course you want to avoid this, because unfortunately your box spring cannot be converted into an electric box spring later. Keep this in mind when looking for a new box spring.

To help you out, we’ve listed some advantages of an electric box spring below!

1. It allows you to sit up comfortably in bed

There is a misconception that an electric box spring is mainly used by older people. Indeed, for the elderly an electric box spring makes getting in and out of bed much easier, which is, of course, a big advantage.

Yet many young couples also see the benefits of an adjustable bed. An electric box spring is the perfect bed to read, watch TV, enjoy a nice breakfast, use the tablet and more. Just by raising the headboard slightly, you can sit up comfortably and do all these things without getting pain in the neck, or putting pressure on the headboard or damaging it.

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2. It relieves back pain

Unfortunately, it is not only the elderly who struggle with back pain. Do you often suffer from back problems? If you regularly have a backache, you can adjust your bed to the position which is most comfortable for you. For example, moving the foot end upwards can often work wonders for lower back pain.

Tip: if you lift both the headboard and the foot end of your electric box spring by 30° while lying on your back, you recreate the so-called ‘zero-gravity position’. This position ensures that all your muscles can relax optimally. With some brands, this comes as a pre-programmed position.

3. It is convenient during and after pregnancy

This advantage is often overlooked, but many new mothers have told us they are very happy with their adjustable electric box spring. It is useful during pregnancy, because it makes getting in and out of bed so much easier.

But even after the pregnancy, you still enjoy a great advantage: breastfeeding in bed is a lot more comfortable. Simple raise the headboard slightly and enjoy a much more pleasant experience both for you and for your baby.

4. It helps with heavy legs and reflux

An electric box spring can also bring relief if you struggle with ailments such as heavy and/or swollen legs, and reflux. Reflux can easily be reduced by raising the headboard when you go to sleep. Do you often suffer from swollen and heavy legs? Raising the foot end slightly can help.

5. It feels luxurious

An electric box spring actually gives you all the advantages of a regular box spring with the additional luxury of being adjustable. And in addition to this adjustability, you will enjoy sleeping higher, on a well-ventilated and luxurious bed. You can choose an upholstered or a faux-leather box spring, with or without a headboard; the possibilities are endless...

A high-quality adjustable box spring guarantees a lot of extra comfort reminiscent of a luxury hotel. You can actually compare it with a relaxing chair. A good electric box spring can be adjusted silently and easily with a remote control - one for you and one for your partner.

Electric box spring prices

The prices for an electric box spring vary depending on the brand and the number of motors you choose. Some brands have up to 7 motors. So think about whether you want to adjust only the headboard and the foot end, or whether you’d prefer to go for the full-option model.

All box spring brands that we offer are of good quality and available in different sizes. So if you are looking for an electric box spring of 180 x 200 cm, 200 x 200 cm or 160 x 200 cm, we’ve got you covered! Most people looking for a motorised bed go for a length of 210 or 220 cm. A single electric box spring is of course also an option.

When looking for an electric bed, do pay attention to the quality of the materials used. Choose a good brand, with motors, a structure and materials of good quality. With time, this prevents not only motor problems, but also squeaking or sagging. An example of an excellent brand is Auping. An electric box spring base by Auping with a size of 180 x 200 cm and one motor each costs around €2,400. If you choose an Auping box spring base with two motors, you will pay around €3,250.

Do you still have questions about electric box springs? Or would you like to book an appointment to see the various possibilities for yourself? Contact us, the team at De Nachtwacht will be happy to help!