'What to do against snoring?
Are you suffering from a snoring partner? Or maybe you are a snorer yourself and would like to give yourself (and your partner) a better night's sleep? Either way you are wondering if there is a cure for snoring. In this article we share our tips on how to prevent snoring, so maybe you find a solution to your problem!
Why do you snore?
Snoring is caused due to a narrowing of the air passage, this blockage can be large or small. The degree to which the passage of the airways is narrowed determines how loud the snoring is. The blockage can also be temporary, due, for example, to a cold with nasal obstruction.
In some cases, the narrowing of the passageway occurs because the tongue is pushed against the upper palate during sleep. Your muscles relax when you sleep, so the tongue will also relax. But the passage can also be more restricted by obesity, for example, as fat builds up around the throat, the air has to pass through a too narrow opening, resulting in the annoying snoring sound.

Can you do something about snoring?
Tried all of Grandma's tips against snoring, but doesn't that big onion next to your bed have the desired effect right away? Then try the following tips against snoring:
1. Healthy lifestyle:
The first and perhaps most important tip is to pay attention to your lifestyle. Besides the many health benefits, it can also ensure that you snore less or even not at all. By a healthy lifestyle, we mean:
- No alcohol before sleeping: As we wrote above, muscles slacken during sleep. Alcohol has the effect of slackening the muscles even more, making it even more likely that the tongue will partially block the airways during your sleep.
- Weight loss: In very many cases, obesity is at the root of snoring. Those who are obese are more likely to snore because fat accumulates around the throat, partially blocking the airways.
- Don't smoke: Another reason to quit smoking.... smoke causes irritation and swelling in the throat, again resulting in narrowing of the airways and snoring.
- No heavy meals before sleeping: Try not to eat right before you go to sleep, especially not a heavy meal. This actually increases the pressure on your lungs, making it more likely that you will snore that night.
2. Sleep on your side, not on your back
In the supine position, you are more likely to snore. Are you a back sleeper? Then it doesn't hurt to try sleeping on your side to see if sleeping on your side helps against snoring. Snoring on your side is less likely to happen because in that position the tongue does not sink into the pharynx as easily and causes constriction.
Tip: Is side sleeping difficult because you keep turning onto your back? Try the "tennis ball trick" where you sew a tennis ball to the back of an old T-shirt, that way you teach yourself not to sleep on your back.
Often side sleeping is difficult because you are not on the right mattress, many turn to their back or stomach because they experience too much pressure on the shoulder when sleeping on the side. Discover all our tips for choosing the right mattress for you here.
Lying on your stomach will also make you less likely to snore, however, lying on your stomach is not ergonomically a recommended sleeping position.Read more about ergonomics while sleeping here.
3. Throat exercises
Strength training for your throat! You might not expect it, but some specific muscle strengthening exercises for the jaw muscles, soft palate and tongue can be the solution to your snoring problem. These muscles slacken during sleep, causing airway obstruction. The exercises help strengthen the muscles so they stay in place during sleep without sagging. 5 minutes of this strength training a day can work wonders.
Tip: in the book "stop snoring" by Dr. Mike Dilkes and Alex Adams you get some useful exercises, feel free to borrow the book in our store!
4. Keep your nose clear
Make sure your nose is clear when you go to sleep. A blocked nose from allergies or colds can often be solved with a good nasal spray. When you can breathe freely through your nose, you are less likely to snore.
5. Use an anti snoring brace
A snoring brace can be an affordable and simple solution for people whose snoring is caused by the lower jaw and tongue sagging backward.
A snoring brace is worn over the teeth while sleeping, the brace secures the lower jaw and even pushes it forward a bit. It also keeps the tongue in place better. Thus, thanks to the snoring brace, the airway remains nicely open and consequently there will be no or less snoring.
6. Surgery
In some cases, there is no other option than surgery to get rid of your snoring problem. Talk to your nose, throat and ear doctor about snoring; he or she can best assess your individual situation and judge whether surgery can provide a solution to your snoring problem.
Be sure to start working with our tips against snoring, we hope this will help you get rid of this annoying problem! If you still have questions or doubts, contact us, one of our sleep experts will be happy to help you.